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SENSEI predicts Brexit Outcome

Posted by on giu 27, 2016 in Case studies, News, news-slider | 0 comments

SENSEI predicts Brexit Outcome

  Monitoring Brexit – The Story In the month preceding the referendum date, SENSEI’s system monitored millions of social media conversations to predict the outcome of the referendum. Every day, more than 300 000 posts across multilingual media sources on the topic of the UK EU Referendum are captured and automatically analysed by the SENSEI technology.  Most exit polls were showing confidence the REMAIN side would prevail. In contrast, the SENSEI system hit with very high accuracy the final outcome.  ...

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Conversations in Social Media

Posted by on nov 28, 2013 in Case studies | Commenti disabilitati

Conversations in Social Media

In a news publisher website such as The Guardian, The Observer or Le Monde, journalists publish articles on different topics from politics and civil rights to health, sports and celebrity news. The website design supports the publication and consumption of original news articles and at the same time facilitates user-involvement via reader comments. In this scenario there are a number of potential users: news readers and the originating journalist want to gain a structured overview of the mass of comments, both in terms of the sub-topics they...

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Conversations in Contact Centers

Posted by on nov 28, 2013 in Case studies | Commenti disabilitati

Conversations in Contact Centers

In outsourced call centres, large corporations outsource their customer touch-point to a hosting call centre. The in-coming and out-going calls may be monitored in real time, or recorded for a later review. The monitoring is done by human evaluators for small random call samples (much less than 1%). Their job is to track indicators of call quality and efficiency of the agents’ job. The call centre’s corporate client may require reporting in different aggregated forms according to , e.g., the topic of the calls or in other words,...

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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 610916 – SENSEI.